Do I Qualify for EBT


Wondering if you qualify for EBT? The answer depends on various factors such as your income level and household size. Keep reading to learn more about the eligibility criteria for EBT benefits.

Income Eligibility

To qualify for EBT, your income must be within the limits set by the program. These limits are based on the federal poverty guidelines and can vary depending on the number of people in your household. Here is a general guideline of the income limits for EBT eligibility:

Household Size Maximum Monthly Income
1 $1,354
2 $1,832
3 $2,311

Resource Eligibility

Aside from income, your household’s total resources are also taken into account for EBT eligibility. Resources include bank accounts, vehicles, and property. The resource limits vary by state, so be sure to check the guidelines in your area.

Categorical Eligibility

Some individuals are automatically eligible for EBT benefits through categorical eligibility. This includes recipients of certain other federal assistance programs such as TANF or SSI. If you are already receiving benefits from these programs, you may qualify for EBT without meeting income or resource requirements.

Immigration Status

In order to qualify for EBT, you must be a U.S. citizen or have a qualified immigration status. Non-citizens who are “qualified immigrants” may be eligible for EBT benefits, but there are certain restrictions based on date of entry and other factors.

Work Requirements

For able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWDs), there are additional work requirements to qualify for EBT benefits. ABAWDs must work at least 20 hours per week or participate in a work program to remain eligible for EBT. Failure to meet these requirements may result in limited benefits or disqualification.

Overall, qualifying for EBT benefits depends on a combination of factors including income, resources, categorical eligibility, immigration status, and work requirements. Be sure to check with your local SNAP office for specific guidelines in your area.